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H@S Lady X Leather Dress

H@S ---> StOrE ---> Lady X Leather Dress ---> MaRkEt

20 Textured Colors Select A Texture for Sleeves,Cleavage or Whole Dress individual Adjust Transparency for Sleeves and Cleavage seperately Add or Remove Sleeves Adjust Shine for the whole Dress over HUD Add or Remove Bumpiness

H@S ---> Gerda Patent Leather ---> MaRkEt

The set includes: - Left and right shoe for Maitreya High Feet - Left and right shoe for Slink High Feet - Shoe base - HUD -The HUD controls: - The color of each part of the shoe. There are: - 4 Sole options - 4 Inner color options - 3 Metal color options - Unlimited Main color options with the ability to select different color for each part of the shoe (Heel, Platform etc.) - The shape of the shoes. You can select if your shoe will have ankle straps or buckles etc. *(This depends on the model of the shoe) - The material settings of the shoes (* requires materials enabled viewer)


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