Maitreya -Slink Physique -Slink Hourgass
ALMA Makeup ---> Geisha Red ---> ON9 May
Catwa, Lelutka and Omega in 6 shades
It includes 6 eyeshadows with no brows, 6 eyeshadows with Geisha brows and 6 lipsticks
Mosquito's Way ---> Anne ---> Enchantment
21 Colors + 5 Extra Heels + 5 Rose Colors + 5 Metals 8 Parts - Customizable
Compatible with: - Slink (High feet) - Belleza - Maitreya
rezology ---> Butterfly 079
(mesh hair)
//Secret Poses // ---> Killing It ---> The Darkness Montly Event
Bento Poses Included: 6 bento static poses bloody knife